STEM with Python – Part 14: Python Fundamentals Ⅰ (Variables, List, and Tuple)

The meteoric rise of ChatGPT and the upcoming Google Bard could be just the beginning of the new AI-powered era that may fundamentally change how we live our lives. And I believe this is the perfect time to learn Pythin and re-skill ourselves! … Continue Reading >STEM with Python – Part 14: Python Fundamentals Ⅰ (Variables, List, and Tuple)

Android Programming – Part 12: Intro to Jetpack Compose

The whole tech industry is now moving towards Declarative UI regardless of the platforms. including web design, Android/iOS app development, and desktop. And through Android app development experience, you can catch up with the latest industry trend. Enjoy your journey. … Continue Reading >Android Programming – Part 12: Intro to Jetpack Compose

STEM with Python – Part 12: Automating Data Compression on Linux

Linux’s near-perfect compatibility with Linux is simply awesome! Just like you write code in the shell script, you can do the same with Python – and it’s an even more fun experience than the other way around. Since Pythion is hot at this moment, why don’t you also start learning it if you haven’t yet? … Continue Reading >STEM with Python – Part 12: Automating Data Compression on Linux

Android Programming – Part 11 Kotlin Fundamentals ⅩⅠ: Advanced Concepts

Just like Java, you can take advantage of OOP’s powerful concepts in Kotlin as well. This is the last post on Kotloin’s fundamentals, but you can take advantage of this knowledge not only in your future Kotlin projects but also in other OOP languages. … Continue Reading >Android Programming – Part 11 Kotlin Fundamentals ⅩⅠ: Advanced Concepts