Category: Decade
The End of Unsustainable Picture-Perfection on SNS
Ever wondered why we sometimes drive ourselves to post our picture-perfect photos on SNS while everyone else does the same? Don’t you think it’s time to reaccess how we interact with the Internet and social media in the age of global uncertainty? The picture-perfectionism seen on Facebook, Instagram, and TikTok is no longer morally sustainable since the world we live in today is challenged by unprecedented levels of existential threat to humanity. It’s time to reaccess how we should interact with the world and each other. …
The Fish That Tries to Climb a Tree
“Not all those who wander are lost.” ― J.R.R. Tolkien, The Fellowship of the Ring Albert Einstein famously wrote, “Everybody is a genius. But if you judge a fish by its ability to climb a tree, it will live its whole life believing that it is stupid.” I’ve been this fish ever since I graduated from college in the US. Thanks to my bad decisions and many failures over the course of my career during the 2010s, I switched between several workplaces. But I never found a place I felt I could belong to. A big chunk of my regret is that I spent the final years of my 20s …
Cheers to Our Imperfect Life
“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.” ― Amy Bloom My past few months were quite turbulent. Because of a sudden career change that posed many challenges, and other devastating personal matters, I started to question the way I have spent the past decade that led me to this point where I’m standing. Was it productive? Was it meaningful? Did I do anything that my future self would appreciate? When I asked those questions to myself, a countless number of painful thoughts rolled off the surface of my mind. I think I spent the past decade drawing in regrets. Thoughts that I thought I already moved …
Shibuya: Before Another Decade
“There are decades where nothing happens; and there are weeks where decades happen.” ― Vladimir Ilyich Lenin We have only a few hours left before entering another decade. Every year, we celebrated another new year, but this time, we’re finally waving goodbye to the 2010s. We’re now about to enter a whole new decade. When it comes to myself, a lot has happened during the last ten years. Incredible things, hardships, personal growth, challenges, and countless more… But what matters most to me is those hundreds of interactions with my friends, acquaintances, and family. It’s just priceless. What about you? What did the 2010s mean for you? And what do …