Algorithms – Part 2: Container with Most Water

The “Container With Most Water” problem involves finding the maximum water-holding capacity between two vertical lines represented by an array of heights. This concept has real-world applications in engineering and optimization, such as designing efficient containers and structures. By employing a two-pointer approach to calculate the area formed by the lines, you can efficiently solve this challenge and gain insight into optimization strategies for various similar problems. … Continue Reading >Algorithms – Part 2: Container with Most Water

Algorithms – Part 1: Brute-force and Array

Earlier this year, I launched my inaugural Road to Google series, and it garnered significant attention within the blogging community due to its comprehensive explanations of coding algorithms. The primary objective behind creating this series wasn’t solely on enhancing my coding skills; it also involved sharing my knowledge with a broader audience. Just as one of the most effective methods of solidifying your own understanding is by simplifying rocket science concepts for a five-year-old, I aimed to present complex coding topics in a similarly understandable manner. This time around, in order to further strengthen my coding skills, I’ve taken a step beyond the existing Road to Google series. I’ve embarked … Continue ReadingAlgorithms – Part 1: Brute-force and Array