As you might already know if you’ve been following my progress here, I’ve been working on developing an Android app. Unfortunately, I’ve hit a roadblock with an elusive bug that’s been preventing me from fetching SQL query results from my MySQL database. To tackle this issue and facilitate the debugging process, I came up with a method that enables PHP to log the results of executed queries into a designated log file. Here’s how I went about it.
PHP file:
function displayStoreNameList($email, $storeName, $dateFrom, $dateTo) {
global $db;
//SQL select query
$sql = "SELECT * FROM user_spending
WHERE email = '$email'
AND store_name = '$storeName'
AND spending_date BETWEEN '$dateFrom' AND '$dateTo'";
//Attempt to open the log file for writing
$logFilePath = "/var/log/api_error_log/query.log";
$file = fopen($logFilePath, "w");
if ($file === false) {
error_log("Failed to open log file for writing: $logFilePath");
return false; // Return an error indicator
// Write the SQL query to the file
$writeResult = fwrite($file, $sql);
if ($writeResult === false) {
error_log("Failed to write SQL query to log file: $logFilePath");
return false; // Return an error indicator
// Close the file
// If writing was successful, execute the SQL query
$result = mysqli_query($db, $sql);
if ($result === false) {
error_log("Failed to execute SQL query: " . mysqli_error($db));
return $result;
Linux command-lines:
Use those commands to change directories within the var directory.
user@gubuntuserver$ sudo -s
Within the log directory, I established a subdirectory named “api_error_log” and, inside it, generated a file called “query.log.”
root@gubuntuserver# cd /var/log/api_error_log/
Change the owner/group of the file to www-data, which represents apache2’s user.
chown www-data:www-data query.log
This is the SQL query that is logged to the file.
FROM user_spending
WHERE email = ''
AND store_name = 'amazon'
AND spending_date BETWEEN '2023-01-01' AND '2023-10-11'