Math Olympiad Prep.
Living life itself is a risky business. We pretty much don’t know where we’re heading to. But at least we can change our course of living and how we live our lives. Despite the overwhelming fears, we can still live our lives to the fullest if we keep investing in ourselves through the constant learning process.
Hi everyone. As you may know, I’ve been self-learning Algebra with some help from the vast online learning tools. And recently, I’ve found a good math YouTuber – Olustat Math Class, who teaches us with Math Olympiad level of algebraic solutions.
I’ve included an algebraic challenge in my latest blog post – I hope you find it enjoyable. In this day and age, we’re all dealing with an unparalleled level of crisis in modern civilization. However, we can also view it as an opportunity to use our technological and scientific advancements to solve the problems that we’ve created, such as global climate change and food shortages. Don’t you agree?
So, one of the very solutions to alleviate your fear of the possible future and the unknown is to keep learning and improving your skills. Doubt your doubts and have a faith in your journey. You’re not alone.
Let’s begin!