Algebra – Part 9: Function Notation

Trust me, it’s super easy.

So, function notation is very much like a programming language’s syntax. If you’ve already experienced coding before, you know what I mean. Or if you haven’t done programming before, you’d be able to understand the very basic concept of any coding language through the function notation.

Today, we’ll look into function notation and it’s super easy. The concept could be quite familiar to you if you have some experience in coding. I mean, what’s interesting here is that, since I did everything I could think of to avoid interacting with math or algebra when I was kid, it’s a little embarrassing to admit but I found myself solving mathematical problems after growing up. And even since I became a Java programmer, the absolute similarity and compatibility between algebra and coding language’s syntax never failed to amuse me.

Anyways, I’m sorry it has nothing to do with today’s topic. But as you can see, function notation defines y as an output of x + something, just like y = x + 2. Since maybe you don’t need any detailed explanation, just look at image 01. You know what it’s all about, right?

image 01
image 02
image 03

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