300 realities, 300 dreams.
Can you believe it? This is my 300th post. It’s been quite a journey to get to this point, but I’m still here and I’m determined to reach the next 100 posts! Keep believing. keep dreaming and keep growing. We’re together here.
“In the end, we will remember not the words of our enemies, but the silence of our friends.”
― Martin Luther King Jr.
Dear readers,
It has been quite a journey and I couldn’t have made it this far without your support. When I reached the 200th post on July 03, 2021, I never imagined my life would take the twists and turns it has. Back then, I was not aware of the darker aspects of the world, my father was still with us, and I hadn’t experienced the struggles that I have since.
Despite the challenges, I am still here and the journey I have been on has been both turbulent and overwhelming. But it is your support that has kept me going and fueled my mission throughout every step.
In the past two years of my blogging, my perspective and interactions with the world have changed significantly. The people I interact with and how I interact with them are vastly different from what they once were. Change is a constant in our world; the only thing that remains unchanged is that nothing stays the same.
I am excited to share the dynamic shift I have experienced thus far.
STEM is my religion:
I am passionate about numbers. They always provide a clear and intriguing insight into the world around us – from gender equality to the balance of power and the state of the environment. Data gives us a fresh perspective and I enjoy working with it, using tools such as Python, pandas, SQL, and Excel to process and analyze it, and ultimately export it in CSV format.
Ever since I began my programming journey with Java, my productivity has increased and my learning has been limitless. This knowledge has also allowed me to build my own Linux server, which serves as an alternative to Dropbox, and has led me to approach the world through data analysis.
The absolute compatibility between mathematics and coding languages has opened up a whole new world to me, one that reveals hidden truths and unseen realities. Someone once said that mathematics is the universal language, and it has the power to explain where we come from and where we’re headed.
What’s truly remarkable is that these powerful tools are available for free on the internet. With the right mindset, anyone can take advantage of them to uncover invisible truths in the world around us.
STEM is my religion.
The confused reality:
Not only me but also everything else in this world is lost and confused – confused with this reality. The reality no one asked for, the reality we’re forced to live with, and the reality we still try our best not to see what’s really going on and pretend as if everything is okay.
Deep down, we know what’s going on there. And you’re not alone. I’m the same. There are so many goals I want to accomplish. I want to master algebra, start my second Android app portfolio, find someone special to form a family with, go travel abroad, and experience things I never knew existed.
But to achieve these things, I need more energy, motivation, a willingness to take risks, and most importantly, and most important of all – a much longer attention span, mine only lasts for fifteen minutes at the longest.
As you may be aware, since I started multiple coding series on this blog, I’m a little exhausted to update them. Due to my multiple personal goals in mind, I always feel pressed to improve myself and stay relevant in this ever-growing industry.
And as I mentioned, our realities are quite confusing. We know there’s an invisible and visible danger that is slowly creeping closer and threatening to ruin our way of life. Still, we keep ignoring them and pretend to continue living our pre-covid “normal”.
But there is still hope. Science, biology, physics, mathematics, AI, and more, all hold the potential to make our world a better place – a place where it is once again safe and kind to humanity.
My complicated relationship with Japan:
After all the devastating and traumatic experiences I went through in the summer of 2021, I learned that my home country sees me and people like me as disposable. It’s too painful for me to relive those experiences by writing them down again, but in short, I’ve come to realize that the place I used to call home is no longer my home.
My relationship with my home is increasingly complicated. This leaves me feeling a mix of anger, resentment, and emptiness. I’m not just disappointed with the government, but also with the citizens of this country who have failed to take action and prevent this. They only seem to care about their own personal matters.
What are your thoughts on that? That’s pretty much my reality and the ideas that are constantly running through my mind. I know my word choices may have been a bit strong, but there’s no point in sugarcoating it. In any case, I really want to take this opportunity to express my gratitude to those who have read my blog and provided support. I can’t thank you enough. See you soon!