Road to Google – Part 4 Typed Out Strings Ⅰ: Brute Force

Typed Out Strings.

This time, we’re going to take a look at Typed Out Strings challenge. Let’s see how we can take advantage of what we learned so far!


Given two strings S and T, return if they equal when both are typed out. Any ‘#’ that appears in the string counts as a backspace.


Strings are a list of alphanumeric elements that are combined together and surrounded by quotes. So, as you can see in image 01, it can be considered as an array.

image 01

And what the question asks you about is, let’s say you’ve given the string “cb#d”. And you start typing “cb…” and then you type “#”. As written in the question “Any ‘#’ that appears in the string counts as a backspace“, the “#” will delete “b”. And finally, you type “d”. So, what you get is “cd”.

image 02

So, when you get the two strings: S:”ac#d” T:”az#d”, they will end up with the same format, proofing they are equal to each other. Did you get what the question is asking for?

image 02


And this is the actual coding solution. So what’s going on here is that you’re given two strings: “ac#d” and “az#d” nd compare the final forms of the two.

The logic behind this coding solution is to add an alphanumerical character to the variable idx (index) that keeps track of the current form of the strings. If the loop iteration hits “#” it removes the character before it with “idx–” in line 18.

image 03

So, the hardest part is probably line 11. Let’s take a deep look into it and see what’s going on there.

image 04

“s.substring(0, idx)” is taking the original string from 0 to the end of it.

s.substring(0, idx)

So, at this moment, the given string “ac#d” is taken thanks to the substring function.

image 05

Then “s.charAt(i)” iterates through the string and checks each character if there are any “#”. If it’s not “#”, it adds the character to idx.

image 06

And then “s.substring(idx + 1)” moves the iteration to the next character.

s.substring(idx + 1)
image 07

And in the next if-block, if it hits “#” and as long as idx is more than 0, it subtracts from idx, meaning it pops out the character before “#”.

} else if (s.charAt(i) == '#' && idx >= 0) {

And this is the executed result.

$ java TypedOutString

For the record, this is the actual code:


public class TypedOutString {
    public static String removeBackspaces(String s) {
        int n = s.length();

        int idx = 0;

        for (int i = 0; i < n; i++) {
            if (s.charAt(i) != '#') {
                s = s.substring(0, idx) + s.charAt(i) + s.substring(idx + 1);
            } else if (s.charAt(i) == '#' && idx >= 0) {

            if (idx < 0) {
                idx = 0;
        return s.substring(0,idx);

    public static void main(String[] args) {
        String s = "ac#d";
        String t = "az#d";

        if (removeBackspaces(s).equals(removeBackspaces(t))) {
        } else {

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