Arduino – Part 2: Circuit Diagram

The very beginning of the electronic world.

One of the best parts of a learning process is to share what I’ve learned with the world via this blog. As the saying goes, the day we stop learning is the day we die inside. Since we’re privileged enough to take advantage of our brains, why not use them for efficient productivity? And hopefully, we can enjoy the learning process. The goal is not our destination, but the journey itself. Let us begin…

This is the second installment of the Arduino series. Since I’ve only started to learn the basics of Arduino and electronics, I just thought I needed to take some notes of what I learned this week and share my knowledge with you.

So, this is a very basic Arduino electronic diagram I created on tinkercad, which is a free online platform where you can learn electronic mechanisms by creating your original diagram and even coding on them, practicing how your project works before testing it in your real-life Arduino kit.

image 01: electronic diagram

Okay… if you’re not familiar with Arduino or electronic mechanisms in general, the chances are that you might be confused about it. So, here, let me explain a bit about it with the below image02.

image 02: electronic diagram

First of all, there are two items: Arduino UNO and breadboard, and both are wired by two lines, one in blue and another in purple. The blue one starts from the point that says GND and is connected to one of the dots on the breadboard. In this example, probably it’s impossible to see it, but in the real-life sample, the dot the blue line is wired to says it’s minus.

The rest of the other dots on the same horizontal line is automatically connected to the line that is wired to the GND. And the short line next to the original blue line is wired to the upper dots that is highlighted in red.

The LED light is on the same vertical line as the first red line, meaning it’s powered from the original blue line wired to GND. The other end of the LED light is wired to the next dot which is on another vertical line that is wired to the register (a register is responsible for restricting the flow of electricity in a circuit).

Lastly, the register powers the purple line that’s wired back to Arduino’s No.12 point.

I know, there are many, many, and many more things I have to learn. So, my description isn’t detailed enough to make you fully understand what’s going on there. But hope you get the basic idea/notion of how the electric algorithm works with the above example.

Last but not least, when you run the following code on your Arduino IDE, the LED light must be blinking.

int LED_PIN = 12;

void setup() {
  // set LED pin to output
  pinMode(LED_PIN, OUTPUT);

void loop() {
  Serial.println("LED on");
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, HIGH);
  // delay(500);
  Serial.println("LED off");
  digitalWrite(LED_PIN, LOW);
// exit(0);
image 03: real-life sample

Hope you’ll also enjoy Arduino’s coding experiences!

Happy coding!!

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