Think Twice

“My concern is not whether God is on our side; my greatest concern is to be on God’s side, for God is always right.”
― Abraham Lincoln

If you are an enthusiastic Trump supporter and are going to vote for him in the upcoming presidential election, please think twice… I know I’m not an American citizen and don’t have any right to participate in the upcoming election in November, but I want to share my thoughts here. And this post is especially dedicated to my international friends in North America, because the White House’s directions heavily influence its allies, including my country, Japan.

When I was a kid, I grew up watching a lot of American sitcoms and TV dramas, such as Full House, Growing Pains, and Little House on the Prairie. Not only did I watch American TV shows, but I also grew up being surrounded by American brands: iPod, Coke, McDonald’s, and Star Bucks. Since I’ve also been a cinephile for many years, it was quite natural for me to grow my interest in the country. Eventually, my high school dream to study in the US became a reality, and I spent my college days in Wisconsin. The US has always been a special place for me. During the past decade, I kept witnessing America’s political directions.

Four years ago, when Trump was elected as the 45th president of the US, he kept saying “Make America Great Again”. But from my point of view, what he has done during the past four years made America’s presence in the world stage weaker than ever before.
It’s been hard for me to witness America’s dramatic decline not only in the business but also in diplomacy.
Since 2016, the White House seemed mishandling every major decision to enhance America’s well-being and voluntarily paved the way for promoting its biggest political and economical rival, China. While Trump administration withdrew the US from The Paris Agreement, WHO, and Open Skies Treaty, China strategically filled in those gaps, increasing its influence in the global stage along with its One Belt, One Road initiative.

Come to think of it, I guess Americans should pay more attention to international matters. For instance, while Americans are busy with BLM protests despite the global pandemic, the bilateral relationship with China is heading to the darkest chapter, thanks to the White House.
And here is the thing. As the former US president, Barack Obama, once famously said that The U.S.-China relationship shapes the 21st century, I really hope Americans to involve themselves with international affairs.

So, as I mentioned earlier, please think twice. I really hope America to lead us.

Finally, here are some shots I photographed in Enoshima Island again in early August. Since I have to stay away from Tokyo and other big cities for safety reasons, places I can photograph is significantly limited…

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