“You are imperfect, permanently and inevitably flawed. And you are beautiful.”
― Amy Bloom
My past few months were quite turbulent. Because of a sudden career change that posed many challenges, and other devastating personal matters, I started to question the way I have spent the past decade that led me to this point where I’m standing. Was it productive? Was it meaningful? Did I do anything that my future self would appreciate?
When I asked those questions to myself, a countless number of painful thoughts rolled off the surface of my mind. I think I spent the past decade drawing in regrets. Thoughts that I thought I already moved on eventually creeps upon my mind again and again. Bad decisions. Opportunites I missed. Countless numbers of failures.
My life was miraculously imperfect. I even felt guilty that I’m not as good as I should be. So, I occasionally end up fanaticizing about my perfect-life fantasy. A life without procrastination and failure. A life with feats and adventures. A life with a lovely partner and perfect family.
I know that the definition of “perfect” is different depends on each person, but you know what I mean. But this is not how our life works. Throughout thirty-two years of my life as of now, I have spent miraculously flawed life. My focus has almost always been on what I think it should be instead of what I already had.
What I learned from my past experience is that there’s no such thing as a perfect life. It’s okay to be miraculously imperfect and flawed. That is because that’s completely normal without a shadow of a doubt. I know we still experience disappointments and anxieties, but maybe they are also part of our lives. All we can do is to focus on this present moment, and think it’s already good enough in its own unique way.
As I’ve written before, life is a long marathon. You don’t need to rush – take your time. It’s never too late to start something you’ve always wanted. Life is a series of decisions. Sometimes, it might make you feel you made a bad decision, but in the long run, it might not necessarily bad if you could learn something from it. Again, it’s okay to be imperfect…
Let’s cheers to our imperfect life!
Lastly, here are some shots I photographed in my city, Yokohama.

A young man that worry about his future is a young man that success in his future.
This life is not about how much failures that we created, but about did we quit after failures?, Because we just need 1 success. And for who we give our success, for ourself or for our love ones (exp:mother).
Sincerely, thank you for your comment brother. As always, I really appreciate your attention.