“Men argue. Nature acts.”
― Voltaire
Global Warming is real. Despite Trump’s ignorant remarks about climate change, it is happening in the global context.
On July 25, 1933, a temperature exceeding 40 degrees was recorded for the first time in history in Yamagata as high as 40.8 degrees. Caused by a phenomenon called “foehn wind” in which wind from over the bordering mountain ranges in Niigata was transformed into hot air as it blew down into the plains.
The record remained unbroken for 74 years, until Tajimi, Gifu experienced a record high of 40.9 degrees on August 16, 2007. And these were surpassed, in turn, on August 10, 2013, when the temperature reached 41.0 degrees in Shimanto, Kōchi.
The trend is only getting worse every year. For this year, Hokkaido, Japan’s coldest prefecture now lays claim to the nation’s hottest temperature ever recorded in May, with 39.5 degrees on May 26. Here come July and August, and we’re melting…
So, let’s go back to what I mentioned earlier. Global Warming is real. Some a**holes somehow don’t even try to be aware of it, but it seems only a matter of time for them to notice it.
And, here comes my question for all of us, citizens of the world. What’s the point of the pursuit of your own happiness in the age of global environmental destruction? This is just my view, but I believe our generations’ responsibility is to think about what we can do to contribute ourselves to the environmental issues and act immediately. Why don’t we think about what we can do to the earth and future generations? Instead of considering yourself as a citizen of your native country, consider yourself as a citizen of the world.
It’s nonsense to think merely about your own self. Make money and be happy? Is that really what you want? You see, the environmental destruction we see every day on TV or newspaper is a result of our economic activities driven by capitalism. It’s time to think about how we can change how we live our lives. Each and every one of us maybe have to think independently, not just accepting what your government tells you.
Now, it’s your turn. What kind of difference can you make in the world?
Your small actions today will eventually shape the rest of the twenty-first century. Let us begin…
Here are snapshots I photographed in Yokohama at the end of July…

I have added this document to my book marks
Thank you!!