“Rather than love, than money, than fame, give me truth.”
― Henry David Thoreau, Walden, or Life in the Woods
The current political climate doesn’t spark joy. Perpetuated US-China trade war, surging far-right movement across Europe, unrestrained human right abuse against ethnic minorities in China and a mounting number of Syrian refugees, the world as we know today would be largely different in a decade if we remain indifferent to matters we should be aware of.
More than ever before, we’re required to think independently. Each and every one of us has a vital part to play in shaping the world today. Independent thinking – that might be a key to survive the twenty-first century.
Maybe we’re now in the turning point to re-think what democracy really means for us. In order to ensure that democracy stays healthy and in good shape, each and every one of us as a citizen of the world has to actively think.
According to Freedom in the World, global freedom was recorded in the 13th consecutive year of decline. Not only in consolidated authoritarian regimes like China and Russia, but the trend can also be seen in Western democracies as well. Democracy and freedom of speech are in retreat.
So, why are we threatened as citizens of democratic nations? That is because freedom of speech is so essential to democracy that it allows us to engage with those whom we disagree with though debate. And it promotes the free flow of ideas, leading to discovery, innovation, and growth.
Considering the fact that democracy and mathematics simultaneously flourished in the ancient Greek era, I believe it wasn’t a coincidence.
Think about it. Learning mathematics, even in adulthood, could help you achieve out-of-the-box thinking. Instead of only accepting the traditional top-down tasks, challenge your curiosity by solving simple equations proportionate to your knowledge. Through the process of learning mathematics, you will be able to question and think in your own way. When each and every one of us actively starts thinking independently, things will start changing.
Trump’s America-first propaganda or Xi’s forced patriotism probably won’t solve any of our problems but create them. Instead of considering yourself as a citizen of your native country, try considering yourself as a citizen of the world. This way, the world around you would look a little different, wouldn’t it?
We’re living in a world where our politics and economies are more interlinked to each other than we think they are. We can no longer be indifferent to what is happening on the other side of the earth.
We’re many but we are one.
Last but not least, those are just my humble opinions. So, don’t take what I’ve written on faith. This is just a reminder, but I could be wrong too. Thanks.
Here are night shots of Shinjuku, Tokyo…