“You have enemies? Good. That means you’ve stood up for something, sometime in your life.”
― Winston Churchill
“Okay Google, what’s the meaning of life?” that was my very first question when I bought a Google Home last year. I know, it isn’t a practical question. Google Assistant’s answer was “I have a factory warranty. So I don’t worry about things like that”. Well done, Google. Thanks for such a boring answer…
Anyways, what I wanted to do was to cast a human question to Google, and see how it would answer to it. The search giant is famous for hiring gifted mathematicians in all sorts of various sectors, and its algorithms determine what you see when you type a search query. But it isn’t matured enough to answer the question to which even human being can’t give a clear answer.
To make it a little more clear, let’s scale it up. Are we alone in the entire universe? And why are we here?
According to Jaymie Matthews, professor of astronomy and astrophysics at the University of British Colombia, “Contemplating the sheer scale of the Universe and the tininess of our world, it is easy to dismiss humanity as insignificant in the ‘Big Picture’. We seem like just a tiny brush stroke or a random pixel in that picture” (Wired).
Matthews says we are made of particles from the universe, and they also make our planet, the solar system,
So, where are we
This is just my own thought. As I mentioned, the meaning of your life is something you discover by yourself. It’s no one else’s responsibility, but yours. It is something you achieve it in your own way. Be original. Independence of thinking – that’s what makes you shine in the crowd.
Did I answer the question? Not sure.
Here are some shots I photographed in Shibuya, Tokyo, on March 15th, 2019.
