“If you judge people, you have no time to love them.”
― Mother Teresa
A few years ago, when I was a passenger in a car driven by my dad, he asked me a question apropos of nothing.
“Do you know the worst thing you could do to your worst enemy?” asked my dad.
“I have no clue” I replied.
“That’s forgiveness” said him.
That was a sunny Sunday. While we were behind the wheel, he told me what he meant by forgiveness. What he said has remained in my mind and constantly surfaced into my thoughts. So, here is my own conclusion on this topic.

I used to experience a difficult time dealing with my past. I don’t go into details, but 2010 was the most disastrous year of my life as of now. You see, life is a long journey through which you pass through all sorts of experiences. They make you smile, laugh, and cry. Those days, I pretty much felt down.
I assume you also have something that’s still stuck in your mind and blocking you from moving forward. But each time someone wrongs you, you have a choice: revenge or kindness.
Kindness always makes a difference. It is a behavior driven by a concern of
You still have a long way ahead of you. You don’t want to spend the rest of your life fantasizing about hurting somebody you dislike. It only damages your well-being.
Think about it. A life without the ability to forgive is quite lonely. Do you want to be with someone who flies into a rage at the slightest provocation? Nah. Instead, fill your surroundings with joy and hold the door open for someone behind you.
When you forgive your enemy and yourself, you’re accepting your own humanity. No one is perfect. We make mistakes. We’re human being and we’re complicated. Forgive and learn from your past. And achieve a brighter and better future. You can empower yourself to do something beautiful, not in spite of where you’ve been, but because of it.
Let us begin…
Here are some shots I photographed in my neighborhood.