Dear Tokyo

“Be the change that you wish to see in the world.”
― Mahatma Gandhi

I have mixed feelings about the place I call home. Recently I’ve begun to question the way our society is organizing itself. When I was a child, I blindly believed what I was taught simply because the information came from someone older than me. As I grew older, however, I came to realize what I had been taught was not always trustworthy. The government not only manipulates the way our society behaves but also how we should feel via so-called “nationalism”. This nationalism has taught me to hate people I never met, and to take pride in accomplishments I had no part in.
Recently a controversial anti-terror law was legalized. This new law, despite its name, appears to be incapable of preventing terror-attacks. Instead, it is designed to threaten privacy and freedom of expression guarantees of innocent citizens. My relationship with the place I call home is more complicated than ever before. This leaves me with a frustrating combination of anger, resentment, and emptiness. Not only am I disappointed with the government, but also with the people of this country who did nothing and will do nothing to prevent it. They are only concerned about their own daily lives. These photographs explore common sceneries of Tokyo in the age of mass surveillance.

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